Beata Nilsdotter

Because this person has been married she could also have been known as Beata Carlsson.

Born 1744-12-16
Location: Västra Eneby
Baptized 1744-12-23
Died 1823-09-26
Age: 78 years
Location: Kättilstad
Death cause: Ålderskrämpor
Buried 1823-10-05




With Location Date Divorced
Jonas Carlsson 1770-??-??


Name Father Born Died
Nils Jonas Carlsson 1773-??-??
Carl Jonsson Jonas Carlsson 1777-01-19 1814-09-25
Anders Jonas Carlsson 1781-??-??
Jonas Jonas Carlsson 1786-??-??

Family tree

People in the tree with a striped background is either one of us or one of our ancestors.

Other information

Flyttade från Räckskog till Kvarnsveden 1816.
Det står i Kyrkboken Kättilstad A1:7 "Födes af barnen". och i kyrkboken Kättilstad A1:8 "Födes af barmhärtighet".

Photos containing this person

No photos containing this person could be found.