Jonas Andersson
- References
On this page you can see where we got the information about this person from.
Reference | |
Birth | Gistad C:2 sid 295 |
Baptism | |
Death | Gistad C:3 sid 215 |
Burial | |
Inventory | Bankekinds häradsrätt FII:12 sid 733 |
Marriage references
Marriage with | Reference |
Lisa Nilsdotter | Skärkind C1:3 sid 605 |
Other references
Skärkind A1:5 sid 221. Herseberga
Skärkind A1:5 sid 175. Gärstad
Skärkind A1:5 sid 219
Gistad A1:2 sid 255. Gärstad
Gistad A1:2 sid 299