1312 Maria Andersdotter

Because this person has been married she could also have been known as Maria Andersson.

Born 1789-11-28
Location: Dalhems Uppgård
Baptized 1789-11-29
Died 1833-12-08
Age: 44 years
Death cause: Vattusot
Buried 1833-12-15




With Location Date Divorced
Sven Andersson Dalhem 1811-06-23


Name Father Born Died
Stina Maja Sven Andersson 1814-09-10
Anna Lovisa (Louisa) Svensdotter Sven Andersson 1817-12-07 1897-05-30
Sven Magnus Sven Andersson 1821-04-08

Family tree

People in the tree with a striped background is either one of us or one of our ancestors.

Other information

Hon föddes på Dalhems Uppgård.

Photos containing this person

No photos containing this person could be found.