Maja Svensdotter

Because this person has been married she could also have been known as Maja Persson.

Born 1794-04-24
Location: Elmeklo
Baptized 1794-04-27
Location: Frödinge
Died 1858-02-01
Age: 63 years
Location: Modal
Death cause: Bröstfeber
Buried 1858-02-07
Location: Västra Eneby




With Location Date Divorced
Nils Persson Rangkulla 1819-10-22


Name Father Born Died
Sven Peter Nils Persson 1820-11-09
Anna Greta Nils Persson 1823-03-02
Carl Johan Nilsson Nils Persson 1829-08-12 1913-07-02
Anders Gustaf Nils Persson 1832-09-08

Family tree

People in the tree with a striped background is either one of us or one of our ancestors.

Other information

Det står att dottern Anna Greta har varit på "Wadstena kurhus" 1845. [1]

Photos containing this person

No photos containing this person could be found.