252 Lövstaborg
Sweden > Östergötland > Tjärstad > Håkantorp > Lövstaborg
Deaths (2)
Name | Location | Date | |
Carl Gustaf Andersson Edoff | Lövstaborg | 1931-02-14 |
Gustaf Anselm Edoff | Lövstaborg | 1946-10-14 |
Persons that lived here (3)
Here you can see the people that has lived here and the exact location they lived in. We have only added this information for a few people, so more people than the ones listed below could have lived here. For example, the people listed under "Births" and "Deaths" has most likely also lived here for a while.
Name | Location | From date | To date | |
Carl Gustaf Andersson Edoff | Lövstaborg | 1902-??-?? | 1931-02-14 |
Emma Lovisa Jonsdotter | Lövstaborg | 1902-??-?? | 1924-03-22 |
Gustaf Anselm Edoff | Lövstaborg | 1925-??-?? | 1946-10-14 |