510 Östergötland

Sweden > Östergötland

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Persons that lived here (386)

Here you can see the people that has lived here and the exact location they lived in. We have only added this information for a few people, so more people than the ones listed below could have lived here. For example, the people listed under "Births" and "Deaths" has most likely also lived here for a while.
Name Location From date To date
Gustaf Albin Skytt (Skyth) Grönedegatan 18 1981-04-04
Eric Göte Johansson Garvaregatan 18 1960-??-??
Siv Annita Margareta Johansson Garvaregatan 18 1960-??-??
Artur Einar Karlsson Pålhult 1928-11-12
Ebba Maj-Britt "Britta" Pettersson Knäck 1:1 1950-??-??