1056 Adolf Gunnar Andersson

Born 1898-01-24
Location: Vist (Sturefors)
Died 1970-07-06
Age: 72 years
Location: Skallebol
Buried 1970-07-13
Location: Skeda




With Location Date Divorced
Hilma Karolina Roback 1921-05-14


Name Mother Born Died
Sture Gunnar Andersson Hilma Karolina Roback 1921-03-27 2014-??-??
Eric Andersson Hilma Karolina Roback 1924-01-09 2012-05-15
Gustav "Gösta" Andersson Hilma Karolina Roback 1927-07-18 2013-03-10
Bertil Andersson Hilma Karolina Roback 1929-??-??

Locations this person has lived in

Here you can see which locations we know for certain that this person has lived in. This is mostly used for small cottages and exact addresses. The dates are just there to get a rough idea of when the person lived there.
Location From date To date
Siggantorp 1921-09-26 1924-11-25
Ängesund (Engesund) 1924-11-25 1936-03-03
Björnkil 1936-03-03 1936-03-28
Tolebo 1936-03-28 1945-04-23
Åserums säteri 1945-04-23 1957-??-??
Norra Freberga 1957-??-?? 1958-??-??
Skallebol 1957-??-?? 1970-07-06

Family tree

People in the tree with a striped background is either one of us or one of our ancestors.

Other information

Har varit arrendator och hemmansägare.

Photos containing this person