8 Sara Christina Gustafsdotter

Because this person has been married she could also have been known as Sara Christina Adolfsson.

Born 1857-09-09
Location: Hyttan
Baptized 1857-09-13
Died 1914-02-11
Age: 56 years
Location: Linköpings Centrallassarett


Name Gustaf Ericsson
Born 1830-12-01
Died 1891-02-24
Name Lena Stina Andersdotter
Born 1830-04-27
Died 1902-08-03


With Location Date Divorced
Sven Gustaf Adolfsson 1881-04-27

Family tree

People in the tree with a striped background is either one of us or one of our ancestors.

Other information

Bodde i Sjögestad då hon dog.

Photos containing this person

No photos containing this person could be found.