Anders Gustaf Gustafsson

Born 1860-04-01
Location: Hyttan
Baptized 1860-04-05
Location: Västra Eneby
Died 1938-07-11
Age: 78 years
Location: Väsby Mellangård
Death cause: Hjärnblödning, åderförkalkning
Buried 1938-07-17
Location: Kisa


Name Gustaf Ericsson
Born 1830-12-01
Died 1891-02-24
Name Lena Stina Andersdotter
Born 1830-04-27
Died 1902-08-03


With Location Date Divorced
Kristina Mathilda Carlsdotter Västra Eneby 1885-08-07

Locations this person has lived in

Here you can see which locations we know for certain that this person has lived in. This is mostly used for small cottages and exact addresses. The dates are just there to get a rough idea of when the person lived there.
Location From date To date
Hyttan 1860-04-05 1878-??-??
Rödsla 1878-??-?? 1881-??-??
Berga Mellangård 1881-??-?? 1885-??-??
Kronstad 1885-??-?? 1892-??-??
Backrödsle 1892-??-?? 1901-11-01
Appeldalen 1901-11-01 1921-??-??
Väsby Mellangård 1921-??-?? 1938-07-11

Other information

Gustaf predikade i socknarna.

Barnen Anna, Gerda, Pontus, Erik och Arvid utvandrade till Amerika.

Sonen Ivar blev predikant som sin far.

I dödboken står i f. torp f. predikant. Väsby mellangård 78 år, 3 mån, 10 d. [1]

Photos containing this person