831 Knut Oskar Skytt

Born 1914-07-08
Location: Kisa
Baptized 1914-08-13
Location: Kisa
Died 1971-05-10
Age: 56 years
Location: Backstugan
Location: Kisa kyrkogård


Name Oskar Teodor Skytt
Born 1872-07-08
Died 1949-02-08
Name Hilda Karolina Karlsdotter
Born 1879-01-12
Died 1959-10-22

Locations this person has lived in

Here you can see which locations we know for certain that this person has lived in. This is mostly used for small cottages and exact addresses. The dates are just there to get a rough idea of when the person lived there.
Location From date To date
Kisa Gästgivaregård 1914-07-08 1915-10-16
Norrhamra Pastorsboställe 1915-10-16 1919-03-24
Mörby 1919-03-24 1922-11-14
Vårlunda Uppgård 1922-11-14 1923-12-04
Stora Hycklinge 1923-12-04 1927-10-24
Bergelund 1927-10-24 1935-??-??
Froghult 1935-??-?? 1938-??-??
Kullen 1938-??-?? 1943-??-??
Lövingsborg 1943-??-?? 1960-??-??
Hitthem 1960-??-??

Other information

Jobbade bland annat som skogsarbetare och skogstekniker.

Spelade dragspel.

Photos containing this person