65 Sten Esbjörn Pettersson Roback

Born 1898-10-03
Location: Millingetorp
Baptized 1898-11-04
Location: Kisa
Died 1987-08-28
Age: 88 years


Name Frans Melker Pettersson Roback
Born 1868-12-06
Died 1952-11-07
Name Anna Karolina Edoff
Born 1874-12-29
Died 1962-07-29


With Location Date Divorced
Ester Maria Linnéa Rahm Kisa 1928-12-31


Name Mother Born Died
Sten Göte Pettersson Ester Maria Linnéa Rahm 1929-03-25 1981-12-17
Maj-Britt Anna Linnéa Pettersson Ester Maria Linnéa Rahm 1935-10-23

Locations this person has lived in

Here you can see which locations we know for certain that this person has lived in. This is mostly used for small cottages and exact addresses. The dates are just there to get a rough idea of when the person lived there.
Location From date To date
Mulnäset 1910-11-22 1917-11-23
Farstorp 1917-11-23 1923-??-??
Näs 1923-??-?? 1924-11-28
Farstorp 1924-11-28 1925-05-22
Sunnebo 1925-05-22 1926-12-01
S:t Lars 1926-12-01 1927-11-22
Idingstad 1927-11-22 1928-11-17
Linkelösa Östergård 1928-11-17
Stora Folåsa 1960-??-??

Other information

Ville inte heta Roback i efternamn utan tog istället namnet Pettersson.

Photos containing this person